Friday, 16 August 2013

Bente gets her 12'th Artslant award

Bente gets her 12'th Artslant award with a portrait of her husband, Jørgen Christensen-Ernst. Its title is "George Bey" as her husband in Turkey is known as George.


To see all 12 awards, please follow this link:

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Planned exhibitions in 2014 and 2015

These exhibitions are being planned for the next two years:

Teşvikiye Sanat Galerisi, Nişantaşı, Istanbul. February 2014
Gallery Artifact, Manhattan, New York, USA. December 2014
Gallery ArtHouse, Beirut, Lebanon. Date not decided yet.
Gallery Oxholm, Copenhagen, Denmark. Date not decided yet.